chocolat et menstruation

Sex, love, and menstruation: a happy threesome?

Sex and menstruation

Valentine’s Day is coming up, that rather chocolaty, relatively expensive moment when flesh, love and passion inevitably meet under the sheets!

What happens when menstruation shows up? Do you + me + my menses = an equation that makes a happy marriage? We’ll find out together!

Look out! You don’t like blood? You can hardly watch a Kill Bill scene to the end without fading? Then this article is not for you. Although hyper interesting, educational and relevant, it deals with blood-sensitive topics that may offend.

Having sex during menstruation : Is it yes or no?

The answer isn’t black on red. It depends on several factors that are personal to each individual, such as :

  • The intimacy you have with your partner;
  • The strength of your flow;
  • Your partner’s openness to being in contact with your period;
  • The feeling of pleasure is sometimes diminished by the generous lubrication of menstrual fluids.
  • The menstruating person’s level of comfort and pleasure may be disturbed by the smell or feeling of being dirty;
  • The discomfort of premenstrual symptoms experienced: bloating, nausea, fatigue, etc.
  • For others, it is the inconvenience of the mess that a part of the leg in the juicy area represents that stops their sexual ardor: stained sheets, etc.

In all cases, the tip is to respect yourself and your partner’s discomforts.

Sexuality and menstruation_Mme L'Ovary

2 advantages of having sex during your period

1) Sexual intercourse and masturbation would relieve pain and stress! Yes, yes! The secreted endorphins act as powerful painkillers.

2) Blood can act as a natural lubricant… Needless to say, I think you have enough imagination.

Sex during menstruation: a health risk?

We’ll settle this right now. No, menstrual blood is not toxic or harmful to health.

That said, it is true that the risk of sexually transmitted infections is somewhat higher because of the blood and uterine lesions caused by menstruation.

Think of condoms as your best friend.

Menstruation sexual relationship

Getting pregnant during menstruation, can it be?

Yes! Even though the odds are slim, they are still there.

Why? Because sometimes some of the more stubborn sperm can hide in the cavities and survive until ovulation!

This normally takes place on the 14th day of the cycle (about a week after menstruation), but for a person with a shorter or irregular cycle, the chances of procreation are increasing!

So yes, unprotected sex during menstruation can result in pregnancy!

Again, consider the condom as your best friend!

4 Tips if you want your adventure

1) Talk about it with your partner in an open, honest, non-partisan way. No judgment, no pressure.

Respecting your limits and those of your bedroom teammate is essential to having a positive and fulfilling sexuality!

2) Get your playground ready! Consume your love in a good place. For example, camping, without access to water, in a wet sleeping bag full of pine needles is NOT a good place.

Prefer the bed instead, spread out a few towels to avoid re-dyeing your bedding (preferably dark-coloured). Wet washcloths may also be appropriate.

That said, showering and bathing are also interesting options as the blood stops flowing!

3) Obviously, remove the intruder (tampon or menstrual cup), if necessary. Throwing your partner on a treasure hunt inside your vagina during a sweaty, nocturnal adventure is a love-killer. Believe me.

4) Use your imagination! Is vaginal penetration the only option? You can masturbate together, experience anal sex or try rubbing while keeping your clothes on!

Did you know? Thanks to a new little gadget, having clean sex during menstruation is now possible! Flex of its first name, it looks like a small dome, is placed at the entrance of the cervix, at the end of the vaginal tunnel and is kept until 12 hours at a time.

It is only available in the United States and the United Kingdom. However, its disposable side makes it less interesting ecologically speaking.

Couple in a bed

Menstrual fetishism, a case that exists for real

A columnist for Urbania, a former sex worker recounts that one day a man came into the bar where she worked looking for a menstruating woman to satisfy his desire.

The client mentioned, having always been attracted to menstrual blood and especially to its smell. Fear of being judged was present, and he had never had the courage to share his secret with his wife.

Turning to sex workers was the only way for him to live his sexuality fully and to consume his love of menstruation.

Needless to say, it was a particularly strange first experience for the former sex worker.

For his part, “Eric” [Fictive name], 32 years old, was willing to share his sexual preferences with a reporter from Vice.. He is fascinated by the complexity of the female body and the power of the menstrual cycle to create life. For him, menstruation is the essence of femininity and the smell of menstruation is a real drug! This red nectar and the mess it causes during these frolics intoxicates him. According to him, this is all part of the your period of the game and contributes to its enjoyment!

In addition, he tells us that there are websites that sell sanitary towels and panties used to satisfy the fans.

For those passionate about the sap of life, the expression “never two without three” takes on its full meaning!


Do sex and menstruation go hand in hand? Certainly. Every couple has a different approach and different limits! The important thing is to prioritize pleasure and respect while protecting yourself. Amen!

When love calls, sex comes galloping! You are now equipped to spend a beautiful Valentine’s Day, no matter what time of your cycle you are.



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