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How to Use Menstrual Blood: 3 unusual ideas

Menstrual Blood. For a long time, it was believed, wrongly, of course, that menstrual blood was toxic and that during their periods, women themselves should be avoided, as it withered everything they touched.

We’ll be tackling these very juicy myths and superstitions around menstruation very soon! For now, in the era of recycling and reuse, let's focus on the potential usefulness of this red gold that flows from us every month. Yes, you read it right! We can reuse our menstrual periods! I imagine you in front of your screens, eyebrows high, half curious, half troubled, lips twisted with discomfort because I know, it's a little “out there.”

So, for you, I dared. I ventured to ask Google : “ what can we do with menstrual blood ”.

Here are some surprising discoveries.

  • Color your jeans for a trendy, dilapidated look
  • Mark your territory in your room ... (I'm not sure I understand that one)
  • Make your Halloween costumes and makeup more real than ever!
  • Pretend to have nosebleeds to get out of a situation
  • Tint your lampshades to create the perfect subdued atmosphere
  • Add your menstrual blood to Vaseline to create an irresistible lip balm!

3 things to do with menstrual blood

There are no limits to human creativity! No kidding, I do NOT encourage you to put these last suggestions into practice. They are only a naughty glimpse of what Google has to offer. Below you’ll find some exceptional applications.

But first, what's in menstrual blood?

First, during your menstruation, you can observe that the consistency of the flow varies in three phases: cloudy liquid, viscous and clear. *Note that the thickness of the menstrual blood varies according to cycles, individuals, age and endometrial thickness!

Let's see what the menstrual flow is made of:

  • Little bits of endometrium. which covers the inside of the uterus and disintegrates during menstruation. Its mission: to feed and welcome the fertilized egg in the event of a possible pregnancy.
  • Some blood;
  • Cells from the vaginal mucosa
  • Vaginal cervical secretions
  • Some water
  • Bacteria from the vaginal flora
  • Enzymes that allow the flow to escape easily

*Did you know that ... unlike the blood in our blood vessels, menstrual blood doesn’t clot: it always remains liquid even outside our body. That way, it can flow more easily! A big thank you to our enzymes!

Am I normal? There are clots in my menstrual flow! Yes, you are normal if they are not too many (10 units maximum) and if they measure 1 centimeter or less. If not, schedule an appointment with your gynecologist.

So, what can we do with the juice from our menstrual cycle?

  • Fertilize your garden!

Keep your flowers, plants and garden healthy with your menstrual blood! That's right! Menstrual blood is known to be a very good fertilizer since red gold contains electrolytes such as sodium and potassium.

Simply use the soaking water from your Mme L'Ovary panties or the blood collected by your menstrual cup.

Menstrual blood is a KEY element even in the life cycle of our fruits.

  • Saving lives!

Since 2007, the scientific community has been rolling out the menstrual blood red carpet with its ... stem cells*!

*Biology 101 course: What are stem cells? Stem cells are fantastic “mother” cells.
They are hidden in bone marrow, peripheral blood circulation, umbilical cord blood and, of course, menstrual blood.
Transplanted in an individual, they can be used, for example, to repair a diseased organ or to treat diabetes, Parkinson's syndrome and Alzheimer's disease, nothing less!

But let's get back to our menstrual periods. Why do menstrual blood stem cells attract so much attention? It’s because they have the wonderful ability of multiplying much faster than their sisters, they are versatile and they can be collected easily every month**!

**Note : Bone marrow stem cell collection is not child's play! Using a long needle, a litre of bone marrow (5% of the total in your body) is extracted from the pelvic bone. That's why menstrual blood is a much simpler, healthier, and less painful option!

Further research is needed to confirm the potential use of menstrual blood stem cells in the health field, but scientists are very optimistic.

The least we can say is that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Can guess which one ...

  • Breaking taboos!

Bloggers, activists and influencers use their blood to dissolve the taboos surrounding women, their sex and their menstrual cycle.

The flavor of the moment? Getting a facial with menstrual blood. It’s used not for its cosmetic qualities, but for its controversial qualities!

Yazmina Jade, a hairdresser, instigator, feminist and spiritual healer, put her face to the test by publishing a video in which she paints her face in menstrual blood.

The self-proclaimed “blood witch” wants to show the general public that menstrual blood is not dirty, but rather sacred and that it is high time to reclaim the female body.

The video went viral internationally. Yazmina has been invited to shows, podcasts and dozens of media outlets have shared her content.

The reactions so far have been mixed. On the one hand, Internet users were shocked or even disgusted, and on the other hand, a community of women joined the movement to share their experience.

Then, still with the aim of dissolving the discomfort around menstruation, several artists have exposed their blood in paintings instead of on their faces.

The results are, I believe, as surprising as they are successful!

Then others, like Sarah Levy, do menstrual-political humor.

Constantly disgusted by Donald Trump's sexist comments, it was during the Republican presidential debate that the drop overflowed the cup. He then said of the host that he could see the “there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever”... Anyway!

Scandalized that he used menstruation to avoid answering a political question, but also to insult the intelligence of the host and all women, Sarah painted a caricature of the future president's face according to the period of art. Literally... with the fruit of her cycle !

bloody trump sarah levyart

In conclusion

Nowadays, a woman will menstruate 400 times in her lifetime, four times more often than her medieval counterpart.***

*** Because life expectancy was shorter, women started menstruating later and they had more children.

On average, she will lose 16 litres of blood in her lifetime or the equivalent of eight two-liter soft drink bottles! Menstruation is NOT a waste, but an essential factor in the perpetuation of human life.

#sangdechet heart

It is high time to make good use of it. If you have any suggestions or crazy ideas, don't hesitate to share them on our Facebook page!



Check out our menstrual undies with removable pads.

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